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8 Spiritual Habits that help towards being a Better Entrepreneur

In today’s times of knowledge and opportunities, we have a budding Entrepreneur in each house. And yet, out of the millions that aspire to be known, only a handful end up climbing the success ladder. So what sets them apart? Is it their ambition, their goal or their dreams? Well, it is safe to say that every human aspires to be more successful beyond their own imagination, so it cannot only be the desire to succeed.

I believe, what sets apart any successful Entrepreneur is their mindset, their approach towards their own life and their work. When we become adults, we have to be our own parents. We have to learn to make productivity a habit so there is no conflict between the parent and the inner child. This is where spiritual practices come in. Having spiritual practises helps a person stay grounded so that at times of minor setbacks the person is not like a leaf blowing directionless in the wind, but is like a tree, grounded firmly in its place, well equipped to handle any storm.

A few of such practises are mentioned below. The fun part of Spirituality is that there are no rules. So you may take an idea and make it your own as it best works for you

Spiritual Habits for Entrepreneur

1. Have a Good Morning

How you start your day defines the tone of how your day is going to be. If you wake up and instantly jump into chaos, your day will just escape from you. 

So first practise is to wake up with awareness. The moment you open your eyes, be aware that a new day has started. Maybe look at your loved one next to you and smile, maybe stretch a bit and take a few deep breaths, maybe have a glass of water mindfully, maybe step out of the room and hug a loved one. It can be anything that makes you be aware of a new beginning, a new opportunity. The important thing is to not dive into your phone or work the moment you wake up. The same things are applicable for your bedtime as well. It helps to give yourself a few minutes of free space before you go to sleep.

2. Meditation

No surprises here! Meditation is probably the most talked-about spiritual practise. There are numerous books about it, podcasts, Youtube videos and so much more. 

But if you’re not a meditator, it just doesn’t make sense to you. So my suggestion to all new meditators is to set up a timer for 1 minute and then just close your eyes and focus on your breath. You will realise the wonders ONE minute can do. As you get more comfortable, you can gradually increase the time.

In our constant struggle to achieve everything as soon as possible, we fit in too much work in too little time and leave no time to clear our mind. This one minute is a breath of fresh air for your mind.

3. Journaling

Journaling is a time tested method for bringing clarity in our lives. Journaling makes a bad day good and a good day even better. When you are in the flow of writing, you end up pouring out your deepest ideas and clarifying all your doubts yourself. If there is a decision to be made, journaling helps your inner wisdom come on the surface and guide you to your highest good. All spiritual teachers tell us that all of life’s answers are within us, Journaling helps to pull those out to give us direction.

4. Being in Nature

Being an Entrepreneur is a job description that involves taking care of the biggest and smallest things. You have to constantly be on top of things and hence, sometimes you may lose sight of the bigger picture. And Being in nature is a perfect antidote of that. 

Being in nature doesn’t have to be about taking a vacation and going to the mountains or the beach. It is about recognising nature all around you. Standing in the balcony and admiring the garden, touching the plants in your home, gardening, observing an animal on the street, playing with a pet in case you have one, observing the colours in the sky, being aware of the phases of the moon, the list is endless and for you to explore.

5. Gratitude

The moment you start looking for a red car, you will start noticing many red cars on the roads. Cars that were always there but became visible to you only when you put your attention to them. 

Similarly, having a gratitude practice helps you to recognise things that are working in your favour. Even the most minor setbacks sometimes trigger us to go into a spiral of negative emotions, but with a practice of gratitude, we train our brains to see the positive in every situation. Being positive is easier said than done, and gratitude is one practise that teaches us HOW to be positive and not let minor setbacks take over our lives. Gratitude is the most common spiritual habit among entrepreneurs.

As a starting point, you may say to yourself (or your partner) 3 things that went well today just before you go sleep. Or keep a diary next to your bed/desk and write 5 things that you are grateful for in this moment. This can also be the first thing you say before stepping off your bed in the morning.

6. Visualisation

One of the most famous Paulo Coelho quotes is ‘When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it’. But the key to this is knowing what you exactly want. Many times we don’t reach our goals because we broadly want something but we ourselves have not clearly defined our goals. As a result, we don’t recognise the opportunities even if they are jumping in front of us repeatedly. 

Visualisation is one way of clearly seeing what you want, how you want it and how will your life look like once you have it. It can be done through writing, making a Vision board or simply by closing your eyes and seeing your life as if you are living the life after you have achieved your goal(s). Visualisation as a spiritual habit is followed by top entrepreneurs globally.

For eg: Your goal is to be one of the fortune 500 companies. So you sit and imagine how you feel once you ARE in the list of these fortune 500 companies, how your days are lined with interviews and meeting, the house you are living in, you open your bank account and see xxx amount in your bank account, you drive to the office in a car, you open the paper and see the newspapers reporting your massive growth chart and so on. The trick is to imagine everything in detail. If your mind can see it, then your mind can create it as well.

7. Decluttering/Organisation

This might not be for everyone, but a simple act of decluttering your surroundings or organising your space can go a long way in bringing clarity to our thoughts. When stuck in a rut or facing a mental block, just get up from your seat and clear/ rearrange your space and you will be surprised to see the calmness flow into you. Your outside space is a reflection of your mental state, and so, clearing the space might clear your mind as well. Try it.

8. Faith

I believe that having faith in something bigger than yourself always helps you steer through life in a manageable manner. It can be your belief/faith in a God, the Universe, Science, Hard work, Prayers, Statistics or anything. It doesn’t matter what you believe in, what matters is that you do. Because when you believe, there is always a hope, a way forward, a place to surrender. And no matter where we are in life, there are times when this Faith helps us stay afloat.

Being an Entrepreneur sometimes makes a person identify with pressure, responsibility and judgement. But it doesn’t have to be like that. A person who is mentally strong can handle anything and everything that comes their way and have a solution-oriented approach towards life. So even though it may seem like your days are swamped, taking out 30-60 minutes for your mental and spiritual well being helps you heal yourself in little instalments, makes you more proactive and productive and saves many hours down the line. 

Take care of of your mind and it will take care of you.

Try to follow these spiritual habits for entrepreneur.

Happy Healing!

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Idea Toasters is a platform where we share ideas and practices to boost innovation and creativity. Our goal is to build the science of innovation and creativity.

16 thoughts on “8 Spiritual Habits that help towards being a Better Entrepreneur”

  1. I have been trying to practice Gratitude for a long time but was not able to do it regularly. Thanks for sharing the 3 things and 5 things concept, it gives a structure to practice of Gratitude.

  2. I agree to everything said …a hundred percent!! Not everyone of us do it right but yes can put a step forward !!
    Thanks for such a great insightful reading!!

  3. Very well written dear Ankita, to start with even if someone starts following 5 of these 8 in totality, the life will be sorted & move ahead! I admire the passion with which you have written this piece! Good wishes

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