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Best Productivity Hacks at Work

At the end of your workday, do you ever feel you could’ve done more?

Maybe completed more tasks. Learned new things or simply just did more work.

Productivity has become a top priority for businesses and individuals. This performance metric is getting more attention than ever before and many young professionals are looking to improve their productivity.

Here, we’ll discuss best ways how you can boost your work productivity.

Why do we need to have productivity at work?

The simple answer: It helps you work faster and more effectively. Whether you work at a big company or a small business, you are working toward the same goal: To make your employer successful.

Also, there are two other advantages to that:

1- High performer – By being productive, we will do more work in less time and become a top performer

2- Work-Life Balance – Get more time for personal and family work

The productivity methods you choose will depend on the job you are doing. For example, some people are more active in their job roles than others, some want to build their own business, and some people want to improve their skills and get promoted. Whatever the case, productivity is one of the things that we are all concerned with and it helps us reach our goals in a better way.

Work and life balance I can hear the shouts of protest already: “Is the word ‘balance’ even remotely relevant anymore?

Boost Your Productivity Level

There’s no better way to improve your productivity than by getting some fresh air and getting some exercise. Regardless of how fast you walk or run, make sure you are putting in at least one 30-minute walk around your neighbourhood every day. How? You’ll burn some calories and improve your energy levels.

Another great way to improve your productivity level is to get up and walk around every hour during the day. This way, you’ll get a little burst of energy every hour. It will help keep your body fueled.

Aside from that, you can get your blood pumping and to make it more effective, do some light stretching exercises like crossing your arms and doing jumping jacks.

It’s a great way to get more energy, increase your energy levels and lower stress levels.

How to work more efficiently

Many business owners and leaders get stuck in a vicious cycle, where they get overloaded with work and nothing ever gets done. Getting a handle on this can be difficult, but the following suggestions will help you out!

Set work hours

Set the right working hours, not your actual working hours. Here are the top tips on how you can set your working hours:

– Limit the number of meetings you’re going to attend to 1-2 times a week.

– Schedule your tasks according to the best timing.

– Turn off the TV at 7 p.m.

– Do only one thing at a time.

– Maintain a healthy sleep routine.

Use the right workspace

No matter what sort of work you do, it’s always a good idea to have a nice workspace set up. However, most of us would love it if it could look like a picture-perfect place. 

To create that atmosphere, make sure your workspace is organized, so you can get to all your work from one place and without having to struggle to remember where you need to go.

Plan your work process

Being more productive can mean planning for projects. Working from home is great, but if you have a work project that you want to finish during the workday, it’s best to have it on your calendar at the same time you do your weekly tasks. 

Besides scheduling your days, work out a routine for your tasks. For example, if you are going to attend a conference, don’t forget to write the information you want to memorize before going. Once you memorize these facts, set them aside.

Create a to-do list that Works

Not everyone is a list maker or a person with a great memory. Some people find it difficult to always remember everything and even find the creation of to-do lists a struggle. Since over 70% of people find it impossible to remember even five things in one day, lists of 10 items or fewer are a great idea to improve productivity and avoid forgetting important tasks and assignments.

Set up a daily or weekly plan and follow it to a T. It doesn’t matter if you’re a hobbyist or work full time; simply stating the action you intend to take daily or every week is enough to improve your work productivity. If you have daily challenges, perhaps tackle a new skill, purchase an expensive product or do something really special that only you can do.

Get organized

Productivity tips include working smarter and saving time, but a common hindrance is organizing things. This includes papers that pile up, empty plastic bags full of pens, candy wrappers, receipts, Christmas cards, etc. Keep a recycling bin handy, so when the time comes to empty, you won’t waste time and effort.

Do your best to follow up on organizing it the night before so that the next day can be spent working.

Best Productivity Hacks at Work

One of the best hacks we can give you is to adopt a more relaxed approach to your work routine. Instead of cracking the whip, be more encouraging and flexible. Don’t stress about new projects or tasks. As William Blake said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

Here’re some productivity hacks you can use right away:

#1 Prioritizing

Everyone aspires to do a lot of things, but a single individual can only do limited work. You need to make sure you give time to the right task with high impact. Factors for prioritizing:

· Know your goal.

· Ask yourself if a task helps your goal

· Postpone spontaneous work

· Work on your long-term goals first

· Cut down working hours

· Have a to-do list for the day

· Turn off distractions.

#2 Work in intervals

Schedule your day into 45-60 mins blocks and take a 5-10 mins break after every block.

· Focus on that interval and not think of any other task

· Have desiccated focus time, with no disturbance in between

· Have a right work environment

#3 Learn new skills

Learning a new skill can be a great way to achieve more success in your work and personal life. You can increase your knowledge of a new industry or market. Develop a new professional skill that could open doors for you in the future.

#4 Invest in the Right Tools

Having the right tools for the job will help you do it better. While many companies have adequate tech support, others hire out the tech support department to the highest bidder. Thus, it is worth investing in a quality tool that will save you from some of these issues. And of course, the result of having the right tools will work more effectively.


Productivity can be done, but it’s not easy. It takes focus and persistence, but as we have shown above, it pays off in the long run. Keep learning new things, upgrading your knowledge and experience, maximize your unique gifts, and use the power of positive thinking to achieve what you want.

There’s nothing worse than waking up to a tough challenge or just plain feeling unproductive at work. Sometimes you just need to roll up your sleeves and get on with it to turn around your position or enhance your own job performance.

Thank you for reading this article and feel free to leave your opinions about productivity hacks at work in the comments below.

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